Monday, February 15, 2010


If you are having difficulty finding a job and have been unemployed for a long time, there are a few questions that you need to ask yourself.

1. Am I really qualified for the jobs that I have been applying for? Are you sending off your resume blindly without fully understanding or meeting the requirements/qualifications for a position? You need to fully comprehend what potential employers are looking for. Do not waste your time sending out resumes for positions that you are not qualified for. You will only prolong your search needlessly.

2. Is your focus just too narrow? Are you limiting yourself to only certain types of jobs? There might be only a few jobs available in a specific area.

3. Do you have unrealistic salary requirements? Are you asking for too much? In the current economy, you may have to settle for less than you made at your previous job.

4. Is your resume all razzle-dazzle without any substance? You need to project confidence and not arrogance. You need to show your track record without being a showman.

5. Are your references destroying your chances? Make sure that only people that will say great things about you are used as references. If you use someone for a reference who is not enthusiastically endorsing you, it’s like calling a character witness in court who cannot attest to your good character!

6. Do you interview well? Are you portraying yourself in the best light at job interviews? Do you come across as deceitful, insufferable and an opportunist? Are you a good listener or do you start answering the interviewer’s question even before they are done answering the question?

7. Do you get distracted while doing your job search? You need to devote your full attention to your job search while looking. Listening to music, taking phone calls, watching TV can be distracting for some people. If you are easily distracted, turn off all such devices. Also, do you get distracted while online and end up on a website that has nothing to do with your job search? You need to fight the temptation to check out the latest update on CNN, ESPN, or QVC.

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